2-18-19 We’re back to featuring MeadCon speakers. Tonight is Sergio Moutela, owner of Melovino Meadery in New Jersey. Sergio is an accomplished meadmaker, and will be speaking at the MeadCon on Making Beer Styled Meads.

Sergio has been pushing the boundaries of many mead styles, one of my favorites is Peachy Palmer, a lemon-tea session mead that is so refreshing and tasty, you’ll find yourself drinking too much of it!

Sergio is also the creator of the MeadMadeRight website and the TOSNA fermentation technique, as well as a calculator and now the MeadMadeRight podcast.

And Sergio is president of the American Mead Makers Association. As president he’s been very busy working to expand AMMA support to the mead world, for both home and professional meadmakers.

We’ll find out more about Sergio’s talk at the MeadCon, dig into TOSNA and what he’s doing with the yeast feeding protocol, and look at what’s he’s working on to further refine yeast management.

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Vicky Rowe
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