We’re back from a break that *should* have been because of MeadCon and Mazer Cup, but sadly we did not get to celebrate either of those events because of postponements. Make sure you’re online or doing pickups to #buymead!
We are tickled to have Pete Bakulic back tonight, it’s been quite a while since we’ve been able to get him on the show.
If you don’t know of Pete, either you’re new to the mead scene, or you’ve been hiding under a rock! Pete is President of the Mazer Cup International and a member of the American Mead Makers Association Home Governing Committee. He’s been making mead for 40 plus years now, and does it *very* well. Pete is a regular poster and commenter on several mead groups on Facebook, and is a moderator on GotMead and Modern Mead Makers there. He’s also an admin here on the GotMead forums, and one of our most prolific posters.

Vicky Rowe
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