Orange Blossom Sweet Mead


18 lb Orange Blossom Honey (approx.)

water to 6 gallons
5 g D-47 Yeast
½ tsp DAP during preparation
½ tsp DAP at end of lag phase

½ tsp Energizer at end of lag phase

S.G. – 1.126
PH – 4.4

Initial fermentation temp – 70F

Dissolve yeast in ¼ cup 100F water
Mix honey and water until well dissolved.
Add 1/2 tsp DAP
O2 for 2 minutes using diffusion stone

Inoculate with yeast

Add 1/2 tsp DAP and 1/2 tsp Energizer at end of lag phase (7 hours).

O2 for 2 minutes.