Dec-6-2007 Started a Mango/Peach Cider I want to keep better track this time so I am logging it here.Ingredients:
½ Package of Champaign yeast (1tsp)
½ Cup warm water
2 tsp Orange juice concentrate
1tsp Super Ferment
1-1/2 Gallons apple juice
1-1/2 Gallons Peach Mango Juice
1 can frozen apple juice
3 cups brown sugar
1 tsp peptic enzyme
First I took ½ package of Champaign yeast (1tsp) and re-hydrated it in 1/2 cup of warm water with 2 tsp of Orange juice concentrate and 1 tsp of super ferment. I bought 3 half gallon containers of apple juice and 3 half gallon containers of Peach Mango juice all on sale for $1.50 each.
While the yeast sat in the starter I took 1 container of apple juice and heated it in a Pot and added 3 cups of brown sugar heated just until the sugar all incorporated. I poured this into a clean 3 Gal carboy and added 1 tsp of peptic enzyme to keep it clear, then I added all 3 half gallons of mango peach juice followed by the yeast and a room temp container of frozen apple juice concentrate and about two thirds of the remaining ½ gallon of apple juice. The remaining apple juice I put in the fridge to use for topping off after the first racking. Dated and air locked the carboy I plan on leaving it in the primary for 10 days we will see how it goes….
- First Bottle - February 5, 2008
- Why I never write anything down. - January 18, 2008
- Bottling Time - January 14, 2008