Let us know your question or suggestions for guests on Gotmead Live.
If your question is about a recipe, please make sure you give us the following information in this order from your notes (you took notes, right?):
- Recipe Name, batch size, date started and temperature/humidity
- Recipe ingredients (honey, juice, fruit, spice, water, etc)
- Ingredient, qty (gm, oz, gal, lbs, lg can(15 oz), whole, chopped, minced, crushed, etc.
- Ingredient, qty (gm, oz, gal, lbs, lg can(15 oz), whole, chopped, minced, crushed, etc.
- Ingredient, qty (gm, oz, gal, lbs, lg can(15 oz), whole, chopped, minced, crushed, etc.
- Yeast -
- Yeast name, qty (gm, please use grams, packet, sachet, baggie are not helpful)
- Rehydration process (ml H2O used, temp, amt Go-Ferm used)
- Atemeration process followed (if any)
- Process followed to make must (how you mixed it, what temperature it was, pH, starting Brix/SG)
- Adjustments - All additions (acid, buffer, nutrient, tannin, etc., and qty, (gm, gal, oz, etc.)
- Treatments - All treatments (oak,clarifiers, post fermentation protocols, and qty (gm, oz, etc)
- Batch notes - EVERYTHING with dates please: All your readings, pH, Brix/SG, temp, aroma, flavor, etc.)
- Summary of problems, issues, questions and thoughts
PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE ALL OF YOUR NOTES - We weren't there so you have to be our eyes and ears, we want it all in gory detail!