7-23-19 We’re off to northern Minnesota tonight talk with Curt Stock about the Valkyries Horn, Mead Competition of the Gods. And of course talk shop with Curt about mead! When I asked Curt for some background on himself, he came back with ‘overrated meadmaker’ (his words). However, we wanted to give y’all a little bit more than that, so here is a bit about Curt. Curt’s been homebrewing since 1996. He started making mead after he purchased Ken’s The Complete Meadmaker at the 2003 AHA conference in Chicago. He then got hooked on melomels. He made it to the AHA 2nd round BOS table in 2004 in Las Vegas (lost to Formanek and Devaris, not bad company) then won MMOTY in 2005 in Baltimore. He attended a few of the IMFs (International Mead Festival) during that time where he met me, Oskar, David Myers, Ken, Pete Devaris and others. He also hung out with Michael Fairbrother a lot before he went pro. Many fun times were had and headaches! Join us to talk with Curt about the Valkyries Horn Mead Competition and talk shop with him about his meads and what he’s been doing.

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If you want to ask your mead making questions, you can call us at 803-443-MEAD (6323) or send us a question via email, or via Twitter @GotmeadNow and we’ll tackle it online! 9PM EDT/6PM PDT Join us on live chat during the show Bring your questions and your mead, and let’s talk mead! You can call us at 803-443-MEAD (6323), or Skype us at meadwench (please friend me first and say you’re a listener, I get tons of Skype spam), or tweet to @gotmeadnow.

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Vicky Rowe
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