Cellarmens8-30-16 Tonight we’re visiting with one of the meaderies I had the opportunity to visit when I was in Michigan last month. Cellarmen’s, in Hazel Park, MI is the brainchild of four metal-loving, hard charging guys who started with a passion for creating award-winning meads that will get people talking.

And they charged off to create some pretty damn amazing meads. Those of you that know me are aware that I often don’t care for dry traditionals. But these guys have nailed it. In spades. I was blown away with the quality of their mead, a significant accomplishment for a meadery just open a year this October.

Join us to talk with Dominic, Ian and Andrew about what they’re up to, how they make amazing meads, and what they’ve got planned going forward.

They will also be staying on with us as we talk about dry traditionals in Back to Basics, with myself, AJ, Manny and Hamish. Come join us to talk mead!

Join us 9PM ET tonight! (8PM CT/7PM MT/6PM PT)

Want to join the conversation, give us a call!! 803-443-MEAD (6323), or Skype us at meadwench (please friend me first and say you’re a listener, I get tons of Skype spam), or tweet to @gotmeadnow.

If you want us to tackle your mead making questions, you can send us a question and we’ll tackle it online!

Bring your questions and your mead, and let’s talk mead! You can call us at 803-443-MEAD (6323), or Skype us at meadwench (please friend me first and say you’re a listener, I get tons of Skype spam), or tweet to @gotmeadnow.

This player will show the most recent show, and when we’re live, will play the live feed. If you are calling in, please turn off the player sound, so we don’t get feedback.

Click here to see a playable list of all our episodes!

What we were drinking:

  • AJ –
  • Vicky – Cellarmans Mead-Moscow Miel – tastes like a Moscow Mule, only it’s mead!!
  • Manny –
  • Deborah –

Show links and notes:

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Vicky Rowe
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