Herz_Julia-500x500January 12, 2016 – This week we will be talking with Julia Herz, long time meadmaker, and Craft Beer Program Director at the Brewers Association and Publisher of CraftBeer.com. I’ve known Julia for a long time, back in the mid 90’s when we met through David Myers of Redstone Meadery. Since then, we’ve worked several mead competitions together, judged together, and shared a lot of mead. Julia is an accomplished brewer and meadmaker, and for a long time ran the website Honeywine.com which was an amazing collection of information about mead and meadmaking.

Julia not only has some great mead stories, and a ton of experience making mead, she’s been involved since nearly the beginning of the American mead scene, so she’s got some great stories to tell.


Call in number: 919-229-9933

What we were drinking:

  • Vicky – an unidentified mead in a beer bottle
  • JD – Nectar Creek Waggle – Wildflower Session Mead out of Corvallis, OR.
  • AJ – Chateau Chevette Raspberry Wine, started 2011, bottled 2013
  • Julia – we didn’t give her time!!

Links for Episode 21:


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Vicky Rowe
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