prairieroseTonight on Gotmead Live we are chatting with Susan Ruud, owner of Prairie Rose Meadery in Fargo, ND. Susan has been in the homebrewing and meadmaking scene for a long time, and was involved with the AHA and GABF for years. I met her way back at the International Mead Festival back in the early part of the 21st century (doesn’t that sound like a long time ago?), and have had the fun of watching her grow her meadmaking and ideas into the meadery that she’s running today. [break][break]

We’ll have a great time with Ask Oskaar, tackling your questions. This week he talks about learning to develop your palate, and how to evaluate and really *taste* your honey. Haven’t sent a question in yet? Grab the link at the top of the page and ask Oskaar![break][break]

And of course, JD, AJ and I will be chatting, this weeks’ topic will go up soon. [break][break]

What we were drinking:

Links for Episode 8:


Vicky Rowe
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