March 15, 2016GotMead Live is BACK!! More mead making radio for you!

Tonight we talk about mead making with Blair Housley from Etowah Meadery and making sour mead with Frank Golbeck at Golden Coast Meadery.

If you want to call in during the show, our call in number is 803-443-MEAD (6323), tweet @gotmeadnow or skype me at meadwench (for international callers). We want to hear from you! If you can’t call, then feel free to Tweet us on @gotmeadnow with your questions.

We apologize for the delay in coming back, JD has decided to pursue other interests, and it took me a little longer than I planned to re-tool and get the hardware and software set up for the re-boot. We wish JD well and look forward to seeing great mead making things from him in the future.

***Please pardon our dust. We’re still feeling our way around some of the new toys, and can’t guarantee that everything will go perfectly, there may be some volume variations as we dial in the sound levels.***

In this episode, we’re having ‘double the pleasure’, we have both Blair Housley, owner of Etowah Meadery, a ‘meadery in progress’, and we’re bringing back Frank Golbeck from Golden Coast Meadery, this time to go in-depth on what they’re doing with sour meads.

mead making with etowah-meaderyBlair started home brewing in 2012, and went on to win medals his first year out. He started on meads in 2014, and also won medals. He’s apprenticed at Colony Meadery and Moonlight Meadery to learn good commercial techniques.

His new meadery isn’t open yet (we’ll ask him about that!) and his flagship meads are going to be melomels, a fig mead, a mayhaw mead and a paw-paw mead (Paw-Paws!! I *love* this!).

mead making with Golden Coast MeadAfter Blair, we’ll have Frank Golbeck of Golden Coast Meadery in San Diego. We’ve had him on the show before, but we’ve gotten a lot of interest around their ‘open source’ sour mead experiments (which will be going up on GotMead soon!), and because a lot of GotMeaders have asked, we’re basically going to let him talk as long as he wants about sour meads and what they’ve done.

Bring your questions, either to the call, or tweet it, and we’ll do our best to get them to him to answer.

Episode Streaming Link:

Call in number: 803-443-MEAD (6323) or skype me at meadwench or tweet @gotmeadnow

What we were drinking:

  • Vicky –
  • AJ –
  • Blair –
  • Frank –

Links for Episode 29:


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Vicky Rowe
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