Hello and welcome to my little corner of Gotmead.com, The Evolution of a Mazer!

First and foremost, I'd like to offer sincere thanks to our resident Meadwench, Vicky Rowe, for allowing me the space to share my experiences with you.

My purpose here is to share with you my journey in this hobby.  I am, by no one's standards, a brewer, mazer or anything of the sort. I am, in fact, almost a complete green thumb. I have only 2 small batches of quick mead under my belt.  What I am is a curious person.  I'm fascinated by bees, honey, yeast, herbs and spices of every variety, fresh, seasonal and rare produce and brewing generally.

But this process is not just about the ingredients or the brewing itself. It has a lot to do with the places you go, the people you meet and the experiences you have. In the past few months I've not been able to brew anything and yet I've moved forward. I've met several beekeepers (who are invariably interesting people) and sampled all kinds of honey from around the world. I've read new articles and books.  I'm an historian by trade and am interested in colonial era American and European drink manufacture and culture.  I've done some research into this topic and I will share with you the fruits of that research as well, including a recipe or two lifted directly from these texts.

So read along and as you do please feel free to comment, argue, encourage or offer guidance, and I hope you enjoy . . .


The Evolution of a Mazer

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