Well, no historical section is complete without references, and we've collected what we can find, both online and off, with the help of many texts, and several excellent human resources, the most prominent of which is Dan McFeeley, mead historian extraordinaire. His posts and emails over the years have led me down many interesting trails, and solved a number of questions. I would love to raid his library! As always, if you know of a reference we have yet to find, we would appreciate a heads up. Just email them to us, and we'll get them up for all to enjoy!

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General Historical Resources

(From Dan McFeeley's bibliography of mead information)

Note — there is a bibliography for Medieval/Rennaissance brewing and vinting available at http://www.pbm.com/%7Elindahl/brewing.html Many of these texts have sections on meadmaking.




The Mediterranean

  • Evershed, R.P., S. J. Vaughan, S.N. Dudd, and J.S. Soles 1997. "Fuel for Thought?: Beeswax in Lamps and Conical Cups from Late Minoan Crete." Antiquity 71:979-85.
  • McGovern, P.E. 1999. "Retsina, Mixed Fermented Beverages, and the Cuisine of Pre-Classical Greece." In Minoans and Mycenaeans: Flavours of Their Time, ed. Y. Tzedakis and H. Martlew, pp. 206-09. Athens: Greek Ministry of Culture and National Archaeological Museum. McGovern, P.E., S.J. Fleming, and S.H. Katz, eds.
  • 1999. "A Funerary Feast Fit for King Midas." Nature 402 (Dec. 23):863-64. McGovern, P.E., U. Hartung, V.R. Badler, D.L. Glusker, and L.J. Exner
  • Tzedakis, Y., and H. Martlew, eds. 1999. Minoans and Mycenaeans: Flavours of Their Time; National Archaeological Museum, 12 July-27 November 1999. Athens: Greek Ministry of Culture and National Archaeological Museum.

The Americas


And, just because they're cool links, and have some relevant info:

Vicky Rowe
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