Well, no historical section is complete without references, and we've collected what we can find, both online and off, with the help of many texts, and several excellent human resources, the most prominent of which is Dan McFeeley, mead historian extraordinaire. His posts and emails over the years have led me down many interesting trails, and solved a number of questions. I would love to raid his library! As always, if you know of a reference we have yet to find, we would appreciate a heads up. Just email them to us, and we'll get them up for all to enjoy!
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General Historical Resources
(From Dan McFeeley's bibliography of mead information)
- Cindy Renfrow. _A sip through time: A collection of old brewing recipes_ 1994. Published by the author, Sussex, New Jersey, 1994." ISBN 0-9628598-3-4
- Lady Arwen Evaine fert Rhys ap Gyynedd. _Handbook of brewing (Compleat anachronist)_ Number 5, March 1983. (Available through The Society for Creative Anachronism, SCA Marketplace, P.O. Box 360789, Milpitas, CA 95036-0789)
- Hieatt, Constance B., and Sharon Butler. _Curye on Inglysch (Middle English recipes) (Early English Text Society Supplementary Series)._ Early English Text Society. Second Series 8. London: Oxford UP, 1985.
- Hajek, Hans. ed. _Daz Buch von Guter Spise: Aus der Wuerzburg-Muenchner Handschrift._ Texte des Spaten Mittelalters, Heft 8. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1958. A translation is also available on the web at http://www.cs.bu.edu/students/grads/akatlas/Buch/buch.html
- Major, Charles Tidmarsh. _An Edition of Reynolds MS 1._ Diss. U. of Georgia, 1999. Fourteenth century English manuscript which includes a collection of Middle English household and medical recipes as well as a recipe for mead and metheglin. Parts (including the mead recipe) are available at http://www.uab.edu/reynold.
- Marc Shapiro. _Alcoholic Drinks of the Middle Ages_ Number 60, March 1992. (Also available through the Society for Creative Anachronism, see above)
- Eva Crane. _The Archaeology of Beekeeping_ New York: Cornell University Press, 1983. ISBN 0-80140-1609-4
- Gene Ford. _The Benefits of Moderate Drinking: Alcohol, Health, and Society_ San Francisco: Wine Appreciation Guild, 1988. ISBN 0-932664-60-1
- D. E. Le Sage. _Bees in Indo-European Languages_ International Bee Research Association, England. (reprint from _Bee World_ 55: 15-26, 46-52, 1974)
- Claude Levi-Strauss. _From Honey to Ashes: Introduction to a Science of Mythology_ New York: Harper & Row, Publishers.
- Mark Edward Lender and James Kirby Martin. _Drinking In America : A History_ New York: The Free Press, 1982, 1987. ISBN 0-02-918570
- Jarich G. Oosten. _The War of the Gods: The Social Code in Indo-European Mythology (International Library of Anthropology)_ Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985. (Chapters 4 and 5 cover Indo-European mythic cycles centering around mead)
- Hilda Ransome. _The Sacred Bee in Ancient Times and Folklore_ New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1937. (May be available through Wicwas Press)
- R. B. Ogden. _In Pursuit of Liquid Gold_ Bee Books New & Old, 2001
- James H. Dickson. "Bronze Age Mead." _Antiquity_, LII 1978.
Note — there is a bibliography for Medieval/Rennaissance brewing and vinting available at http://www.pbm.com/%7Elindahl/brewing.html Many of these texts have sections on meadmaking.
- Imbolc in Yesterday's Ireland & Scotland
- Snippets of Scotland & the Regency
- Darnick Tower, Scotland – for nearly 600 years the tower has stood, and ceremonies including the symbolic giving of mead are still performed
- Germanic Myths, Legends, and Sagas
The Mediterranean
- Evershed, R.P., S. J. Vaughan, S.N. Dudd, and J.S. Soles 1997. "Fuel for Thought?: Beeswax in Lamps and Conical Cups from Late Minoan Crete." Antiquity 71:979-85.
- McGovern, P.E. 1999. "Retsina, Mixed Fermented Beverages, and the Cuisine of Pre-Classical Greece." In Minoans and Mycenaeans: Flavours of Their Time, ed. Y. Tzedakis and H. Martlew, pp. 206-09. Athens: Greek Ministry of Culture and National Archaeological Museum. McGovern, P.E., S.J. Fleming, and S.H. Katz, eds.
- 1999. "A Funerary Feast Fit for King Midas." Nature 402 (Dec. 23):863-64. McGovern, P.E., U. Hartung, V.R. Badler, D.L. Glusker, and L.J. Exner
- Tzedakis, Y., and H. Martlew, eds. 1999. Minoans and Mycenaeans: Flavours of Their Time; National Archaeological Museum, 12 July-27 November 1999. Athens: Greek Ministry of Culture and National Archaeological Museum.
The Americas
And, just because they're cool links, and have some relevant info:
- The Internet Sacred Texts Archive – do a search here for 'mead', and you'll get *thousands* of references (and see where I get many of my quotes for the website up top!)
- Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts
- Germanic Myths, Legends, and Sagas
- Online Medieval and Classical Library
- History and Culture Links
- 1-28-25 Traci Kuhfuss – making mead recipes - January 28, 2025
- 1-14-25 Bill Boyer and Kyle Ducharme – Chocolate Meads and Mead Recipes - January 14, 2025
- 12-3-24 Alberto Leyva – Hidromiel Aliens Kaab in Mexico - December 3, 2024