by Vicky Rowe | Mar 29, 2007 | Book Reviews |
{rawcontent 10} If the folk and fancy of beekeeping is delightful, working with bees is downright amazing. And no one speaks of this life more eloquently than Sue Hubbell in "Country Year, Living the Questions" (Random House). Hubbell, a single woman in...
by Vicky Rowe | Mar 29, 2007 | Book Reviews |
{rawcontent 9} "The Sacred Bee" by Hilda M. Ransome, originally published in 1937 by George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London, has been "reprinted by popular demand" by Bee Books New and Old (Tapping Wall Farm, Stathe Rd., Burrowbridge, Somerset TA7...
by Vicky Rowe | Sep 13, 2006 | Book Reviews |
by Lt. Col. Robert Gayre and Charlie PapazianBrewers Publication, P.O. Box 287, Boulder, Colorado 80306-0287; 200 pages, softcover. {rawcontent 11} The American Homebrewers Association is a group usually associated with home beer brewing. However, they took a bit...