Mead Lover's Digest #126 Sat 08 May 1993


Forum for Discussion of Mead Brewing and Consuming
John Dilley, Digest Coordinator



Re: Racking Mead (Meadgest #109) (Ron Schieffer)


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Date: Thu, 6 May 93 10:54:10    
From: gtephx! (Ron Schieffer)
Subject: Re: Racking Mead (Meadgest #109)

Paul Ray writes:


>I was wondering what people's feelings were on racking mead. I am

(rest deleted to save space)

My latest mead (Cranberry Mead from the Cat's Meow) did not
have a lot of sediment settle out, but I still racked it off
just for consistency with my beer brewing ways. I figure it
can't hurt. All the beer brewing "experts" say that not
racking off the trub leads to off flavors.

As for contamination, I don't worry to much about it due to
the high alcohol percentage usually attained with mead.

Again with my latest mead, I think I changed containers three
times (though I can't be sure without my logbook). Nice and
clear now, but still needs aging ( bottled for 2 months now).

Your mileage may vary…


! Ron Schieffer ! Curtois' Rule !
! @ ! If people listened to !
! AG Communication ! themselves more often, !
! Systems ! they would talk less. !
! ! !
! gtephx! !

End of Mead Lover's Digest