Mead Lover's Digest #1230 Tue 22 November 2005
Mead Lover's Digest #1230 Tue 22 November 2005
Forum for Discussion of Mead Making and Consuming
Dick Dunn, Digest Janitor
2006 Upper Mississippi Mash-Out ("")
Re: Mead Lover's Digest #1229, 18 November 2005 (
Another Note on the Raspberry Honey (chris herrington)
Lychee Mead ("Randy Wallis")
Re: Mead Lover's Digest #1229, 18 November 2005 (Chuck)
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Subject: 2006 Upper Mississippi Mash-Out
From: "" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 14:57:10 -0500
Gentlemen, Start Your EISBEERS!
The 5th Annual Upper Mississippi Mash-Out
Homebrew Competition will held January 20-21, 2006.
For more information:
There will be lots of fun and excitement!
* Eis-Anything category returning! (See article in the most recent BYO)
* New Entrant category returning!
* Free commemorative 2005 BOS beer for volunteers!
* Free commemorative pint glass for volunteers!
* Free drawing for volunteers – win cool stuff!
* Indoor "Pub Crawl" Friday night for volunteers only!
* Special fifth anniversary t-shirt for sale!
* Bus to Summit for a tour and tasting pre-banquet!
* Beer Banquet Saturday night! (Rumor: BEER and MEAD will be involved!)
* Free DOOR PRIZES will be given out at the Awards Ceremony!
Register to judge or volunteer now!
Entry Deadline is Dec 26-Jan 6.
Register ONLINE to save a buck per entry!
See you there!
Subject: Re: Mead Lover's Digest #1229, 18 November 2005
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 15:54:55 EST
In a message dated 11/18/05 10:59:32 AM, writes:
> I would much prefer that the additional characterization of carbonation be
> called "petillant"! I know that spelling flames are declasse, but I'm
> feeling petulant at the moment.
We can all get a kick out of a visit from Mrs. Malaprop, and I appreciated
Dick Dunn's response to the proposal of "petulant" as a mead judge's term. In
case anyone else was curious about his recommended substitute descriptor,
"petillant", the Hormel dictionary of cooking terms tells us "petillant" is
a French term for a slightly sparkling wine. Also referred to as ??perlant??.
The small bubbles give the wine a lift, masking sweetness and providing a
refreshing tingle. Occasionally considered a fault in wine that is meant to
be still but reveals small bubbles when poured.
That could be a valuable addition to the judge's ballot. Still, I think
"petulant" was not misappropriate to describe that judge's attitude.
Jay Ankeney
220 39th St.
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
(310) 545-3983
Subject: Another Note on the Raspberry Honey
From: chris herrington <>
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 13:43:38 -0800 (PST)
The received the raspberry honey and I'm quite
satisfied with it. It's excellent. It has a sharp
fruity smell. It would be great sparkling…popping
out good aromatics. I personally think it does have a
destinctive raspberry-like flavor. It is reddish amber
in color. I think I will stick to a varietal. One
batch a high gravity sack style mead with a big
starter of a high attenuating yeast. The other batch a
gravity of around 1.110.
Subject: Lychee Mead
From: "Randy Wallis" <>
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 20:44:58 -0500
The last couple month I have written the digest with a couple of questions,
and would like to thank everybody for their responses. Also, I would like
to say that 99 9/10 of my meads turn out pretty good and some great (IMHO),
and the recent one's I had problems with are a rarity. Below is one that
turned out excellent and many people think is my best, I always say my best
mead is my next batch, but I do think this is very good and unique with a
tropical feel. Years ago I was lucky enough to take a job assignment in
Hawaii, and along with the sun and surf I was introduced to lychees (I grew
up in the Midwest). Since I was not a brewer at the time I just ate them.
A couple years ago my daughter went back to Hawaii for her honeymoon and
asked what I wanted her to bring back. I said bring back some cans of
lychees, I want to try a lychee melomel. So last September I started it,
since the lychee had a lot of sugar in the syrup (in fact the ingredients
had three items, water, sugar, lychees) I started with Ken's Dry Show Mead
recipe in the ?Complete Mead Maker? the only variation was that I used D-47
yeast. By the end of October that fermentation died out and I racked it
into a 5- gallon carboy with 4 (28 oz) cans of lychees, I also added pectic
enzyme to head off any haze, I had 5 cans but kept 1 in reserve in case I
needed to punch it up after fermentation, which I did not have to do. All
that sugar really had an effect because it took off like a rocket; it was
like pouring gas on a smoldering fire. I let it just go until February then
racked it to a clean carboy leaving the fruit behind. At racking I
sorbated, potassium metabisulfited, also added another pound of honey to
sweeten just a little. Surprisingly it fell crystal clear very quickly and
I raked and bottled in April. I have just started to open bottles when
company drop by. To me it is more a summer drink because the lychee fruit
is rather strong so it has that ?country wine? feel, but I think if you
dropped the lychee down a can (3) and racked it off the fruit earlier you
would have something that would be great anytime. Also, this one was just
barely semi-sweet, but I added the extra honey to nudge it up there, before
that it was dry. I also found out that canned lychee are available at
just about every oriental food store so they are readily available. I have
picked up a few cans and will do it again, but with a strawberry melomel
finishing up (started March) and a muscadine grape pyment started two weeks
ago and a plum melomel started last weekend it will be awhile before I get
back to it. For the plum I am using the recipe from MLD 1211 but jacking
it up to 5-gallons and since we do not have shore plums here I am using a
greater amount of Black Plums, hope my results are as good as Ken's. If
you try this and use any of my suggested improvements please post your
results. Any questions drop me a line. Thanks.
Randy Wallis
Subject: Re: Mead Lover's Digest #1229, 18 November 2005
From: Chuck <>
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 06:04:27 -0800 (PST)
In MLD #1229 Dick Dunn, our exalted janitor, made me
petulant with his (correct) correction of my incorrect
spelling of petillant. Bravo Dick! 🙂
Chuck Wettergreen
Geneva, IL
End of Mead Lover's Digest #1230
- Mead Lover’s Digest #1653 Sat 4 January 2014 - January 8, 2014
- Mead Lover’s Digest #1652 Sun 29 December 2013 - January 8, 2014
- Mead Lover’s Digest #1651 Sun 3 November 2013 - November 9, 2013