Mead Lover's Digest #1359 Mon 7 January 2008


Forum for Discussion of Mead Making and Consuming
Dick Dunn, Digest Janitor



Re: Nutrient Additions (
Re: MLD#1358, 29/12/07 – Braggots and the law (Arthur Torrey)
Re: Nutrient Additions ("Dan McFeeley")
Call for Judges: UMMO '08 (Steve Fletty)


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Subject: Re: Nutrient Additions
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 21:07:09 EST

"Mitchell Omichinski" _mitchell2@hugs.com_ (

> > I have been tying to follow nutrient additions and schedules as
> > suggested by Scott Laboratories using GoFerm, DAP, and Fermaid K
> >.in mead and wine making. The trouble is that there is a gap between
> > the maximum suggested Fermaid K addition (25g/hL) and the nutrient
> > requirement of a typical mead OG (1.106 or Brix 25). For example,
> > Scott recommends a nutrient level of 300 mgN/L for a Bxix 25 must.
> > Using GoFerm on yeast rehydration yields 10 mgN/L, DAP is used to
> > top nutrient to 150 mgN/L at end of lag phase, and Fermaid K to finish
> > nutrient requirement at 1/3 gravity depletion. This would require a 140
> > mgN/L contribution from Fermaid K or a dose of 140g/hL or more than
> > 5 times the maximum suggest by Scott. The issue is the maximum
> > amount of Thiamin allowed by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade
> > Bureau. Does anyone have any information on why the limit on Thiamin,
> > or any qualms of using Fermaid K at rates of 1.5g/L.

Thank you for bringing this up. I just changed to GoFerm and
Fermaid K, did not find any Scott literature recommending also
using DAP, and got two batches that did not fully ferment.

Where did you find Scott Labs literature suggesting adding DAP
during the lag phase? Also where can I find the TTB's maximum

If we are discussing the same Thiamin. it's vitamin B1 which has
a Recommended Daily Allowance of 1.4 mg. After a head injury
several years ago, my doctor had me taking 10 mg a day for
three years with no adverse effects.


Subject: Re: MLD#1358, 29/12/07 - Braggots and the law
From: Arthur Torrey <>
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 03:17:37 -0500

On Saturday 29 December 2007 11:47:47 wrote:
(along w/ other things)

> >

> > Subject: Re: Mead Lover's Digest #1357, 22 December 2007
> > From: Michael Faul <>
> > Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2007 09:34:11 -0800

> >

> > Braggot = fermented sugars derived from grain and honey.

> >

> > Blending a beer/ale/mead creates something completely different. In fact
> > according to the TTB, at least commercially, you cannot legally blend a
> > beer and a mead as the tax clsssification would be polluted and there
> > would be no way to tax it based on the resulting volume.

> >

> > As to the legality of making a braggot, only a brewery can legally make
> > a braggot. A winery may not have any type of malt on the premises.

> >

> > Regardless of the definitions defined by the BJCP or others, a blended
> > mead and ale is NOT a braggot it mas simply stating that IMHO it is more
> > a geueze than anything else.

> >

> > I'll see you all at the GABF next year with my three braggots.

> >

> > Mike

> >


While I understand Mike's need to worry about the legal issues, I would
suggest that what the BBQ experts at TTB have to say is more of an indicator
of the defects in the law than any indication of a problem with the

I don't claim to be an expert on the definition, but IMHO a blend of an
already fermented mead and an already fermented beer is just that, not
a "true" braggot.

I would define a braggot as a brew that is fermented as itself, in which the
fermentables come in roughly equal amounts from grains and from honey. I did
a couple batches of this sort using "beer kits" that contained two cans of
malt syrup, in which I simply replaced one can of malt with one can worth of
honey. Those that tried it liked it, but I haven't done any further
experiments along this line as I went to a low-carb lifestyle a few years
back, and quit doing any form of beer as part of the change.

However, I'm not from the government, and while not wanting to be anti-social,
I'm *NOT* "here to help you" ;-} So as far as I'm concerned, you can mix up
whatever combinations you like, and even give them names of your choice,
though I might call them something else…

Arthur Torrey
MA Libertarian Party Operations Facilitator
Town Meeting Representative
Speaking only as myself unless otherwise indicated!

Subject: Re: Nutrient Additions
From: "Dan McFeeley" <>
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 09:43:31 -0600

On Fri, 28 Dec 2007, in MLD 1358, Mitchell Omichinski
wrote, in part:

> >. . . The issue is the maximum amount of Thiamin allowed
> > by the Alcohol and TobaccoTax and Trade Bureau. Does
> > anyone have any information on why the limit on Thiamin,
> > or any qualms of using Fermaid K at rates of 1.5g/L.

Hello Mitchell — I tried searching the web site for the Alcohol
and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau and didn't find anything
for limits on Thiamin. Maybe I did a bad search. Here's the
web site.

Could you post a link or reference to this?


Dan McFeeley

"Meon an phobail a thogail trid an chultur"
(The people's spirit is raised through culture)

Subject: Call for Judges: UMMO '08
From: Steve Fletty <>
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2008 10:35:47 -0600

I'm writing to invite you to join us for the Mid West's largest homebrew
contest the weekend of January 25-26, 2008 in St. Paul, Minnesota.

The 2007 contest drew nearly 1000 entries from across the country.

In 2008 we're awarding more medals and also have more events scheduled
around a Belgian beer theme. Highlights include:


  • -Speaker Stan Hieronymous, author of "Brew Like a Monk"

  • -The Brewer's Forum – a Q & A and beer tasting with local pro brewers

  • -The Indoor Pub Crawl – no steenking buses, we bring the beer to you!

  • -Belgian-themed banquet

  • -commemorative beer & glass for all judges & stewards

  • -judging session food for volunteers


Visit our web site for more details and to sign up to judge or steward.

Let me know if you have any questions. I hope to see you at UMMO '08.

Steve Fletty
2008 Judge Coordinator

End of Mead Lover's Digest #1359