Mead Lover's Digest #1467 Tue 20 April 2010
Mead Lover's Digest #1467 Tue 20 April 2010
Mead Discussion Forum
Re: Mead Lover's Digest #1466, 13 April 2010
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Digest Janitor: Dick Dunn
Subject: Re: Mead Lover's Digest #1466, 13 April 2010
From: Mike Faul <>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 10:42:37 -0700
That is incorrect. By definition a cyser is 50% apple juice and 50%
honey plus or minus.
An apple juice fermented with sugar is just a crappy stronger cider.
Rabbit's Foot Meadery
> > Brent,
> >
> > Complexity is very subjective, but you can help along the judging by
> > using a few ingredients which may help them come to the conclusion that
> > your mead is complex. If the competition uses BJCP standards, a Cyser
> > in most categories can only be apple juice and sugar (and not even
> > honey!).
Subject: Filtering?
From: Captain Chuck <>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 12:17:27 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Folks,
I've made several batches now and even though I started to rack two or
three times, my mead still seems to be cloudy. Should I be filtering it
???Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would
permit us to be pirates??? – Mark Twain
"It was as natural as eating and, to me, as necessary. I would not have
thought of eating a meal without drinking a beer." -Ernest Hemingway
Subject: Re: mead complexity
From: Dick Dunn <>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 13:15:29 -0600
In the last MLD, Ken Taborek wrote about cyser:
> > Complexity is very subjective, but you can help along the judging by
> > using a few ingredients which may help them come to the conclusion that
> > your mead is complex. If the competition uses BJCP standards, a Cyser
> > in most categories can only be apple juice and sugar (and not even
> > honey!)…
That's way wrong, so I quizzed Ken about it off-list. He was thinking
of the rules for cider, not cyser–just a slip-up.
Cyser is indeed made with apple juice and honey.
> > …Selecting [apples] meant for cider rather than
> > table apples is your best bet. These typically have a stronger acid
> > component, and quite frankly will be far, far superior to a cider/cyser
> > made using canned frozen juice or grocery apples…
I agree that cider varieties will give a far better result. Even apples
which are regarded as "multipurpose" with one of the traditional purposes
being cider (such as Gravenstein or Macintosh) will be better than usual
table fruit.
However, I disagree with the generalization that cider apples have a
stronger acid component. Normal practice in cider blending uses low
acid fruit as well as "normal" acid level; truly high-acid cider fruit
is not common. What cider fruit does offer is tannins, which really
give cider body as well as this elusive "complexity" we're after.
- —
Dick Dunn Hygiene, Colorado USA
End of Mead Lover's Digest #1467
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