Mead Lover's Digest #1541 Tue 30 August 2011


Mead Discussion Forum



Temps ("M. Graham Clark")
Re: when a mead is not a mead (


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Subject: Temps
From: "M. Graham Clark" <>
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 13:58:44 -0300

Hi all,

Perhaps this has been answered in previous digests, but it new members
(including myself) were not present, so I will ask the current group their
thoughts. I am looking for general thoughts on a DIY solution.

I make both beer and mead. I am fairly new to the former, so my mistakes
are more regular. I have found that over the summer months that my beer has
become flabby and it is likely due to higher fermentation temperatures. In
the summer I ferment in a dark cool closet around ~70-75F but its not a
stable temprature (I do not have a climate controlled fermentation area so
regulation is difficult). In my meads I have not noticed this as an issue,
but typically I do my primary fermentation in the fall months. I would like
to expand my mead making times to other months of the year. My question is
two fold, 1) do you notice any temperature effects on your mead , and 2) How
have you designed any fermentation areas to be effective at limiting the
stress put on the yeast? I know modified chest freezers are common in beer,
but do you mead makers use such things?


M. Graham Clark

Subject: Re: when a mead is not a mead
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 15:16:51 -0400 (EDT)

Adam Chatburn _achatburn@cssea.bc.ca_ (

> > It's worse than you think Paul – Some of the commercial
> > "meads" made in the UK are merely cheap bland wine with
> > sugar and "honey-flavouring", not even real honey! ….
A long time ago, I came to the realization that if your
Mead is not better than the average commercial Mead, you
are in need of both education and training.

Much of what is labeled Mead in the US is made by wineries
that try to make Mead via the same process they use to make
wine because they suffer from the delusion that Mead is a
honey wine. I have been told that the Alcohol and Tobacco
Tax Board (TTB) mandates Mead is to be labeled as honey wine.
But, Mead is no more a honey wine than beer is a malt wine!

There are US commercial Meadmakers that make excellent Mead

  • – Rabbits Foot and Redstone to name the two I have enjoyed.

I also enjoyed excellent commercial Meads on my trip across
Australia in 2007 – at Bartholomew's, Maxwell's, Chateau
Dorien, Daringa Cellars, and Walkabout.


Richard D. Adams
Ellicott City, MD 21042

End of Mead Lover's Digest #1541