1-14-25 Bill Boyer and Kyle Ducharme – Chocolate Meads and Mead Recipes

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GotMead Owner
Staff member
Apr 5, 1996
North Carolina
1-14-25 Tonight at 9PM ET, we’re talking with Kyle Ducharme and Bill Boyer Bill is in the Minnesota Mead Mafia, and if you’ve competed, you know he makes good mead. Kyle is from Vermont and has been tearing up the mead world as well. We’re going to be exploring what they’ve done with their meads, and how they put their recipes together. We’ll also be talking about chocolate meads!
Kyle Ducharme from Northern Vermont and is a home mead maker that has experience with quality assurance positions in the food and beverage industries. He has been making mead since the fall of 2019, really diving deep during the pandemic. He originally learned from podcasts/youtubers such as Gotmead, The Mead House, Doin the Most, and Man Made Mead. He later joined his homebrew club where he discovered some other mead makers, but mainly beer brewers and judges. He was motivated by the online community to enter competitions and after winning some medals...

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