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4th Annual LIBME Competition - Now Accepting Entries

Barrel Char Wood Products


Registered Member
Oct 21, 2012
The 4th annual Long Island Beer and Malt Enthusiasts beer and mead competition is now accepting entries. All winning mead entries will earn credit towards the East Coast Mead Maker of the Year award in conjunction with mead competitions Valhalla, The Domras Cup, and Mead Free or Die.

Additional Info and Enter Here: http://libme.brewcomp.com/



Lifetime GotMead Patron
Lifetime GotMead Patron
Nov 3, 2014
Curious: how does this competition enable someone to "earn credits towards...The Dormas Cup"? Are these not standalone competitions?

They are stand alone comps. But they also contribute to being able to become the East Coast Mead Maker of the Year.
Barrel Char Wood Products

Viking Brew Vessels - Authentic Drinking Horns