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Animals getting wasted

Barrel Char Wood Products


Registered Member
Apr 27, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
I love it.

I believe it too. I have to put my primary bucket on the counter otherwise the dogs are all over it, trying to lick the airlock or whatever erupts out. Once the fermentation has calmed down, they have not interest in it. But that first week the dogs live in my kitchen. Does anyone else have that issue?


Registered Member
May 30, 2005
Between Jackson and Detroit
Yeah there are reports of Moose, deer and birds getting drunk off of fermenting fruit every fall. Happens often enough you might think that they might be attracted to the after affects...


Certified Mead Mentor
Certified Mead Mentor
Jun 26, 2006
Ithaca, NY
Drunk elephants are apparently not so cute. I've even heard reports of elephants that become alcoholics and will rampage through a village looking for booze. :eek:


Registered Member
Jun 8, 2009
Santa Rosa, California
Yeah, that is good for people to know about. Puts things in perspective a little...

I have read about many cases of animals intentionally and systematically seeking out altered states of consciousness.

Some argue that it is some kind of of natural tendency in most animals.

Some argue that the attraction to alcohol is just a behavior that evolved as a good way to find foods high in calories. Alcohol smell usually indicates foods with high sugar content.

Does that make sense? I'm not remembering with confidence the biochemistry....but the calories are still there after the yeasties digest most of the sugars right? ETOH has calories right...?

Correct me if I'm wrong

Angelic Alchemist

Registered Member
Sep 14, 2009
Houston, TX
While the presence of EtOH may be an indicator of the ripeness of fruit (high sugar content), the final metabolites of EtOH itself are fats, water and CO2. (The toxic intermediate metabolites of EtOH contribute to hangover.) So EtOH has caloric significance, however it is not a direct energy contributing molecule.

I still think animals essentially like the effects produced by alcohol.


Certified Mead Mentor
Certified Mead Mentor
Jun 26, 2006
Ithaca, NY
Alcohol has calories, but I'm not sure that it would really be considered "food". For the most part it is processed like a toxin (which of course it is). But most alcoholic beverages, and certainly the "primitive" ones, contain a lot more than just alcohol. In fact, you can significantly increase the protein content of grains by fermenting them into beer...as long as you drink the yeast too. Early humans probably did; now we don't unless it's a hefe beer. So it is certainly possible that we come by our alcohol preference naturally, if the folks who drank sludgy yeast-grain glop were healthier due to the higher protein diet. Maybe...

Angelic Alchemist

Registered Member
Sep 14, 2009
Houston, TX
EtOH in small doses is also like a medicine or tonic. It can lower blood pressure and treat anxiety in moderation.

I believe the story goes something like this: rain diluted some honey, wild yeast fermented the honey, primitive man drank the fermented honey and felt less unhappy.

There were also some hypotheses about primitive man being able to tolerate the stresses of hunting better during the ice age when he was a bit toasty, though I don't know how legit that concept is.


Lifetime Patron
Lifetime GotMead Patron
Ahh, yes. The perennially retold and perhaps apocryphal tale of dilute honey in the wild magically becoming transformed into l'eau de vie.


Equally likely (with a lack of evidence to the contrary), is that early humans discovered that sweetened gruel tasted better than plain boiled-grain porridge. So they carried cooked, honeyed concoctions contained in various vessels on their travels - and of course eventually some fermented.

The real story, alas, is truly lost to history....

The only thing I know for sure is that modern man also tolerates any "ice age" exposure better after a tipple or two. ;D


Registered Member
Jun 8, 2009
Santa Rosa, California
But most alcoholic beverages, and certainly the "primitive" ones, contain a lot more than just alcohol.

Oh, right. So the alcohol is not the main calorie source. Those fermented fruits are probably still packed with all kinds of sugars and unfermentables. Plus the nutritious yeasties.
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