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Beer Advocate competition includes mead June 2-3, Boston

Barrel Char Wood Products


Lifetime GotMead Patron
Lifetime GotMead Patron
Aug 20, 2016
I got a notice from Beer Advocate about this competition which includes mead as well as other beverages. However, I have no additional information about it other than what you can read here.


I looked everywhere on the site. Not only do I see nothing about mead, but this appears to be a way for micro-breweries to show off their stuff. There does not appear to be anything for home-meadmakers or even home-brewers.

And in my experience I have not been impressed with the braggots made my breweries unless done in collaboration with a meadery.


Registered Member
Dec 27, 2016
Are there any worthwhile public Mead events in the North East?
Mead around here is rare and buying a bottle of each at the local stores gets expensive.
(So far I have not been impressed with what I have bought)
It would be great to have a regional tasting event, that way I will know if what I am making is worth the effort.


Got Mead? Patron
GotMead Patron
May 23, 2015
Moonlight Meadery in NH does tastings. My son has been there and he says it's an awesome place.


Registered Member
Dec 27, 2016
Moonlight Meadery in NH does tastings. My son has been there and he says it's an awesome place.
Thanks, I have been meaning to stop by there some day, I have family about a mile or so from there.
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