CLEANING! The Tardis build begins!

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Oct 10, 2012
Miami Beach, FL
It's amazing the things that build up after 12 years. I thought I kept my garage pretty clean! But I was mistaken. I was surprised by the amounts of dirt and schmutz that builds up in hidden corners! As well as lizard eggs, which I was very happy to find and explains why I've only seen a few spiders and very few other insects over the years.

I will start posting pictures once the area is clean and painted. I spent yesterday and today demolishing all the old shelves and organizing all the tools and other equipment. It's only now at the end of the second day that all of the tools are put away and organized into boxes and placed in the garage loft.

Plan for this week, hose out floor and walls, repair any holes and cracks, paint and install laminate flooring. Next week I will figure out the floor plan, bring in the electrician and air conditioning guy and get the boring stuff done. Once that is done, shelves, storage and keezers for serving/fermenting and aging as well as the decorations and entertainment. 90% of the area will be taken up by mead and rum, and the rest will be an electronics and general hobby workshop.

I'm trying to get my hands on a couple of glass front coolers so I can watch the ferments/aging meads/beers/other unspeakable things in casks.
Wow! Sounds ambitious and awesome. You gonna do before and after pics?

Sent from the Nexus of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy which has been infected with Vogon poetry, some of which leaked out here.
I am so completely jealous. Just picture vibrantly lurid fluorescent green waves of envy surging from my ever darkeningly green enviously bone shakingly jealous little body....... SIGH!! At least I have an entire fermentarium dedicated to my endeavors, if not a Mead Mansion Extraordinaire! Again, sooooooooooooo jealous!!!
GKnight, yeah starting today. I will be taking pics.

EJM3...klaatu barada nikto. Lol. Don't be jealous! Just come over when I'm done. Play some Elder Scrolls and drink some mead!

Sent from my galafreyan transdimensional communicator 100 years from now. G
How many people are you gonna have over for games and mead? We've got Arkham Horror and three or four expansions for it... could probably play a dozen if we had the table space.
As many as possible. Realistically seating will probably be comfortable for six or less players but many more drinkers. I'm trying to work it so the garage door can be opened on rare cool days.

Sent from my galafreyan transdimensional communicator 100 years from now. G
How many people are you gonna have over for games and mead? We've got Arkham Horror and three or four expansions for it... could probably play a dozen if we had the table space.

mmm, Arkham Horror.
I used to play Call of Cthulu waaay back in the day, along with other assorted fringey RPGs. Good times.
Ok. Here is the official "before" pic. Everything is cleaned and ready for paint as soon as the walls dry.



Sent from my galafreyan transdimensional communicator 100 years from now.
No indoor pool in the plans for this one. :)

Sent from my galafreyan transdimensional communicator 100 years from now. G
See that door? They make planets behind that door. (I love mixing up my scifi lol)

Sent from my galafreyan transdimensional communicator 100 years from now. G
Painting almost finished. Have a conference call to take (stupid work that pays the bills stupid interrupting my fun) then last coat and off to buy the flooring!
A/c guy just left with the plans for the cooling and floor materials are "aclimatizing' whatever that means. It means I can't install for 48 hours. Whatever. I wanted floor done by today but the best plans of mice and men and all that.

Sent from my galafreyan transdimensional communicator 100 years from now. G
Yeah....has to adjust to humidity and temp. Should be fine until your a/c guy finishes HIS work...then, your floor will buckle

Sent from the Nexus of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy which has been infected with Vogon poetry, some of which leaked out here.