Giving the Gift of Gotmead to Someone? Here's How!

  • PATRONS: Did you know we've a chat function for you now? Look to the bottom of the screen, you can chat, set up rooms, talk to each other individually or in groups! Click 'Chat' at the right side of the chat window to open the chat up.
  • Love Gotmead and want to see it grow? Then consider supporting the site and becoming a Patron! If you're logged in, click on your username to the right of the menu to see how as little as $30/year can get you access to the patron areas and the patron Facebook group and to support Gotmead!
  • We now have a Patron-exclusive Facebook group! Patrons my join at The Gotmead Patron Group. You MUST answer the questions, providing your Patron membership, when you request to join so I can verify your Patron membership. If the questions aren't answered, the request will be turned down.


GotMead Owner
Staff member
Apr 5, 1996
North Carolina
Hi all!

Happy Holidays, and I hope everyone will have a joy-filled (and mead-filled) holiday season!

I have gotten several emails from Gotmeaders asking about gifting patron memberships to people they care about. So I thought I'd let you know how to do it, if you are considering it.

If you wish to give a gift of patron or premium patron membership to someone, purchase it through the membership here:, and when you get to the information page for payment, put 'gift for xyz' in the user id field, and I will make sure that that member receives your gift. Since I personally eyeball every membership, and hand send every welcome letter, you can rest comfortably knowing I got your back and that your gift will be delivered.

If you want the membership to be anonymous, drop me an email and let me know, and their welcome email will read 'You have been given an anonymous gift'. If you want to have your name in there, again, just drop me an email and their welcome letter will read 'XYZ has gifted you a membership'. If you want me to use your real name instead of your username here, just tell me.

Only one catch: I am offline December 23 to vacation for the holiday week with my family, and will not be back until December 30, so if you were thinking about giving the gift of Gotmead, now is the time!!

I'll be checking email until late on December 22, and sending out welcome letters until then.

Happy Holidays, Gotmeaders, and we'll see you in 2014!
OK, update: I forgot that the internal system handles the patron memberships and doesn't have a note area, so when you buy a gift membership, just send me an email at or via PM to let me know your username and the username you are gifting, and whether or not it is anonymous and I'll see it gets done.