Got Mead Forum and Site Upgrades Coming This Year

  • PATRONS: Did you know we've a chat function for you now? Look to the bottom of the screen, you can chat, set up rooms, talk to each other individually or in groups! Click 'Chat' at the right side of the chat window to open the chat up.
  • Love Gotmead and want to see it grow? Then consider supporting the site and becoming a Patron! If you're logged in, click on your username to the right of the menu to see how as little as $30/year can get you access to the patron areas and the patron Facebook group and to support Gotmead!
  • We now have a Patron-exclusive Facebook group! Patrons my join at The Gotmead Patron Group. You MUST answer the questions, providing your Patron membership, when you request to join so I can verify your Patron membership. If the questions aren't answered, the request will be turned down.


Got Mead Partner
Dec 26, 2004
The OC
Just a heads up that Vicky and I are working on upgrades for the site and the forums. Consider this a heads up that if you have recipes, logs, discussions, etc that you just cannot live without . . . it's time to start backing them up from the site to your local storage.

While we're confident that we won't lose any data, it is still a best practice to keep the things that resonate personally with your meadmaking style from this wonderful pool of information to your local storage.


Pete "Oskaar" Bakulić
Well, the timing didn't work out the way I would have liked. Work, life and some issues surrounding the upgrade (we're making a *very* major version upgrade and data conversion is a bit of an issue there) got in the way the upgrades. Work is still progressing, but more slowly than anticipated.

All upgrade testing is happening on a test server, and will not affect the live site. The plan (assuming all works out) is to only have the site down for a day, less if I can manage it. No hard date yet, as we're deep into the run-up for the 2013 Mazer Cup and kind of busy with that, but as soon as I have a date all y'all will know as soon as I decide.