Gotmead is at the UC Davis Mead Short Course! Join us!

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GotMead Owner
Staff member
Apr 5, 1996
North Carolina
Pete and I are at the UC Davis Mead Short Course at the Robert Mondavi Institute. Pete (Oskaar) is one of the presenters, and the creme of the mead industry is here.

The program is as follows:

'Ancient and Modern: Ther Merits and Mission of Mead' Keynote by Dr. Charlie Bamforth

Honey Bees - A Status Report - Dr. Eric Mussen
Varietal Honeys: Tasting and Science - Amina Harris and Dr. Andrew Waterhouse
Fermentation Series:
Introduction, Dilution and Process - Chik Brennerman
Nutrients and Processing - Dr. David Block, Marvin Sands, Ernest Gallo (yes, that one)
Flavors, Yeast and Microbiology - Dr. Linda Bisson, Maynard A. Amerine

Panel Discussion: Getting Started in the Mead Industry - Ken Schramm, Chris Webber, Mike Faul

Filtration Series:
Filtration: The Mystery - Dr. David Block
Into the Bottle - Chik Brenneman
Winery Design - Dr. Roger Boulton, Stephen Sinclair Scott
Guided Mead Tasting - Darrell Corti, Ken Schramm, Petar Bakulic

Setting Sensory Standards:
Aromas and Flavors - Dr. Andrew Watershouse
Side-by-Side Tasting of Honeys and Mead - Dr. Andrew Waterhouse, Dr. Anita Oberholster
How Texture and Mouth Feel Contribute to the End Product - Dr. Anita Oberholster

Bringing Mead to the Shelf:
Cost of Mead Production - Dr. Jim Lapsley
Financing a Meadery - Dr. Shermain Hardesty
Discussion: Problems Facing the Mead Industry - Chris Webber (AMMA), Dr. Andrew Waterhouse, Dr. Jim Lapsley

As you can see, this is a landmark event for the mead industry, we have been recognized by the UC Davis Eonology school, and they are giving serious attention to mead making and honey evaluation.

Head on over to our Facebook page at and follow the updates as Pete and I check this all out.

For those who are wishing they could have come, UC Davis will be selling a recording of the event, and we'll make sure you get the link here so you can check it out.

Come join us!