Gotmead Main site update progress report

  • PATRONS: Did you know we've a chat function for you now? Look to the bottom of the screen, you can chat, set up rooms, talk to each other individually or in groups! Click 'Chat' at the right side of the chat window to open the chat up.
  • Love Gotmead and want to see it grow? Then consider supporting the site and becoming a Patron! If you're logged in, click on your username to the right of the menu to see how as little as $30/year can get you access to the patron areas and the patron Facebook group and to support Gotmead!
  • We now have a Patron-exclusive Facebook group! Patrons my join at The Gotmead Patron Group. You MUST answer the questions, providing your Patron membership, when you request to join so I can verify your Patron membership. If the questions aren't answered, the request will be turned down.


GotMead Owner
Staff member
Apr 5, 1996
North Carolina
Hi all,

I'm sure you're all thinking I've forgotten you, LOL. I have spent the last 7 days working 18 hour days trying to get the main site upgraded from waaaayyyy back level version to a current version of Joomla. And it is progressing, but there is a ton of info, and much of it has to be hand-coded in, so mainly its just time.

I hope to have at least the basics up and running by tomorrow, February 24. I will then continue to add info from the old site into the new site.

Our new site will be *way* better, with social media links, commenting tools, a completely new layout and menu structure so it will be easier to navigate and search, and as I go forward, new toys, tools and ongoing new articles.

When it is ready, I will also be upgrading the forum here (no, you won't lose anything) and bringing it up to the latest/greatest version as well.

I am committing a ton more time going forward to making Gotmead the most dynamic and interesting mead site anywhere.

So concludes the update, I'm back to the salt mines to continue working on the new site!
