The best thing about it is it's properly formatted for the small screen.
All the links on the left go, all the pretty gotmead at the top and the blurb about donating.
So when you want to read a post you don't have to scroll down so much.
You don't have to zoom in to be able to hit the reply button without hitting a different button.
When you finish typing, you don't have to hide the keyboard and then find the add reply button.
Best of all, it only loads what you need, the post you want to see, so all those pretty graphics and green background don't have to be loaded through my sometimes not even there slow connection.
Speaking of which if the connection drops out tapatalk just waits and then continues, you don't have to try loading from scratch anymore.
I'm using an iPhone, not a droog, so I don't know if their browser fixes any of this, but the apple browser has full functionality, I just don't like having. To zoom in to read the text then having to zoom out to navigate only to zoom in to be able to hit a button.
If the forum detected a phone and presented differently it wouldn't be so bad, but tapatalk's a lot easier to implement than that!!
Oh yeah. Photos. The expect to be able to open a window to take a file path, but this just doesn't work with iPhones. So tapatalk allows me to upload photos.
I use it on a couple of sites.
This is the first brewing forum I use that has implemented it, so Vicki, you're not slow, in my little sphere, gotmead is a world first