Ken Schramm GabFests, with Mead!

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The Compleat Sybarite
Lifetime GotMead Patron
Jan 5, 2005
Troy, MI
Hi folks,

At the risk of being immodest, I wanted to let you know that I have two speaking appearances coming up, each of which will be supported by some decent SchrammerMead to taste. This will be known as the "San" period in later years.

On April 30, I will be in San Antonio, for the 2011 Alamo City Cerveza Fest (ACCF) Home Brew Competition. I'll be speaking at Lunch, I understand, and there will also be a tasting opportunity that day.

On June 16 and 17, I will be speaking at the National Homebrewers Conference in San Diego, Thursday at 1:45 and Friday at 3:30. There will be a LOT of SchrammerMead at the conference, so if you have a thirst for tasty fruit and spiced meads, get thee to the city of San Diego.

Let's clink a glass of each other's meads, shall we?

Hi Ken

I just wated to say I would love to come but I will not be able to get off of work. Also wanted to tell you how much I loved your book. It has helped me a lot.

Hi Ken

I just wated to say I would love to come but I will not be able to get off of work. Also wanted to tell you how much I loved your book. It has helped me a lot.


Thanks, Roger. That was what I was hoping for when I wrote it, so that means a lot. I hope we get to drink one together some day.

Unfortunately I won't be able to attend these events. It's more feasible for me to attend events like this that are in the midwest (Michigan even!)

Anyhow, I just bought your book, Ken. Looking forward to reading it thoroughly to help improve my meadmaking-game.

Man I'd love to be at either event, but it's a long drive from Kansas. I do own both the paperback and digital version of your book, and have bought two copies for friends.

My wine making buddy enjoyed your book and it's my goto reference for all my Mead Making adventures..Great Job!

Damn! I also dream of being able to attend such events.

To listen to someone like Ken would be brilliant, especially if there was the opportunity to pick his brains for those nuggets of info that didn't make it into the book......

Maybe there'd be a way of recording the talks so they could be posted as mp3's or even on youtube ????


Well I hope to take off work to make it to San Diego, seeing that I only live 30 minutes north of there. Just wanted to thank you for that you have done for the mead community. And looking forward to seeing you in June.;D
New to brewing but loved your book. I have only about a dozen meads under my belt since late 2008. I have to say that this is the most complete book on the subject that I have found. I wish I could come to Calafornia. I live in Colorado.

Is there another book to come out? I think that it would be great to see an Advanced Mead Maker book.

I also would like to know if you have brewed with nuts. I didn't see anything on it.

Hope the talks go well, would like to see some MP3s or YouTubes as well.


Ken, I would like to add my thanks for your book. I purposely got my hubby into brewing beer, but I'm not much of a beer drinker and wine just seemed to fussy to me. I saw your book at the LHBS, bought it and have been using it consistently along with the resources here. My first traditional mead is coming up on a year of age, and I'm on my 4th batch of JAO. One of the things I treasure most from your book is the cold method of making mead. Its been a real backsaver for me.

Someday I'll be able to attend some of the conferences. Meanwhile, I'll add my voice to those suggesting MP3's and YouTube videos.

Thanks again!
I'll add to that! You could sell downloads on iTunes pretty easily.

If you like that idea and need an audio engineer I'd be happy to donate my services (cleaning it up, lowering background noise, clarity improvement, overall volume improvement). ;D

Not if it's video though, I am cursed, I can take audio out of a video file, but I cannot put it back in once it's been worked on... video isn't nearly as standardized as audio, far too many formats and nothing ever seems to work right! (I could still do the audio if it's a video, you'd just need a video-literate person to embed the audio back into the video file).

Figured I'd at least offer!
I'll add to that! You could sell downloads on iTunes pretty easily.

If you like that idea and need an audio engineer I'd be happy to donate my services (cleaning it up, lowering background noise, clarity improvement, overall volume improvement). ;D

Not if it's video though, I am cursed, I can take audio out of a video file, but I cannot put it back in once it's been worked on... video isn't nearly as standardized as audio, far too many formats and nothing ever seems to work right! (I could still do the audio if it's a video, you'd just need a video-literate person to embed the audio back into the video file).

Figured I'd at least offer!

Curing a split A/V track is easy with the right software. Sony studio makes it cake, just click a box in the audio properties to unlink the audio from the video frames, then drag the audio track to match the video
Curing a split A/V track is easy with the right software. Sony studio makes it cake, just click a box in the audio properties to unlink the audio from the video frames, then drag the audio track to match the video

Ha, oh I know it's supposed to be easy, but the one time I did a live recording for a band and tried to put my audio overtop of their video... didn't work out well, I ended up handing them just the audio and telling them to have their video guy put it back together.

I'm sure it's one of those things I'll get around to being able to do at some point, but I'm not a video guy and would get very little use out of whatever software I'd buy, so that's something for later.