Ken Schramm GabFests, with Mead!

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Ha, oh I know it's supposed to be easy, but the one time I did a live recording for a band and tried to put my audio overtop of their video... didn't work out well, I ended up handing them just the audio and telling them to have their video guy put it back together.

I'm sure it's one of those things I'll get around to being able to do at some point, but I'm not a video guy and would get very little use out of whatever software I'd buy, so that's something for later.

I used to be addicted to World of Warcraft and did quite a few fan vids (I know it's that bad) I bought Sony Studio Professional for all that work. mostly use it for home movies now, but kinda nice having true professional grade software at my call when i want it :)
OK, what's it going to take to organise one of these conference over here in Australia Ken?

I'm happy to travel to anyplace that pays my expenses, as long as I have the vacation time available. So if you just want me to come and talk, a Private Message here would be a great start.

As far as getting a meadmaking conference together, I'd say you could get a few brew clubs together, find a few speakers, (locals who brew, beekeepers) and have at it. A competition can be a big draw, and if you get a few hundred entries, it can go a long way to paying for hotel rooms and meals for judges.

OH NO! I cant believe I missed it, im stationed at Lackland AFB, I havent been on in a few weeks, I was actually looking for something to do on the 30th... I am thoroughly upset right now... Did ya find any good meads in San Antonio?
OH NO! I cant believe I missed it, im stationed at Lackland AFB, I havent been on in a few weeks, I was actually looking for something to do on the 30th... I am thoroughly upset right now... Did ya find any good meads in San Antonio?

Did, indeed. Judged a few flights, and did best of show for the mead categories. There were some dandies.
Thank you Ken

Hello! Ken You wrote the book that confirmed my destiny, thank you. I hope to meet you at the 2011 Mazer cup. My name is Jhett C. I am a part of a brand new meadery in southwest missouri. Called, Panther Creek Meadery. I look forward to meeting you in person someday, until then wassail!
Thanks, Jhett. All the best with your venture. I'm sure we will cross paths, and it'll be my pleasure to raise a glass together.