I'm new to mead & fermenting in general but would like to thank this site for all the information contained within; I've learned enough that I'm about to start my 1st batch of mead & have decided to go with Joe's Ancient Orange as it seems to be widely considered the best jumping off point within this hobby. The recipe calls for 3.5 lb of honey per 1 gallon batch and says it will finish sweet. I have 10 lb of honey sitting on my kitchen table that I was hoping to use for a 3 gallon batch but I'm hoping to ramp up my finished product's alcohol content as much as possible which is causing me to question a couple of things in the recipe regarding honey & yeast. First of all, the JAOM recipe specifically calls for bread yeast but I've heard that has a lower alcohol tolerance than certain wine yeasts, so I bought a packet of Lalvin EC-1118 which has an 18+% alcohol tolerance. My main question is if I were to use this yeast, how would I need to alter Joe's recipe? I'm sure that i'd need additional honey and/or sugar to crank up the abv on my finished product (the primary thing I'm after) but have no idea how to do these calculations. I'm unsure the alcohol tolerance of the bread yeast the recipe was designed for & unsure how much honey or sugar would need to be added to make full use of the EC-1118 yeast. Any assistance that could be provided is very much appreciated. Also regarding the use of bakers yeasts for brewing, what differences would come out in the end product between using "active dry" yeasts and similar yeasts of the "instant" variety? I have no idea what differences there are at all between these two variations.
I thank you all so much for any input or ideas....
I thank you all so much for any input or ideas....