9-29-20 Tonight on Gotmead Live at 9PM ET, we’re meeting with Adam Crockett of Haymaker Meadery to talk about oaking meads.

Over the last several shows, we’ve had a lot of people asking about oaking meads, and so we’re going to talk about that tonight. Adam has been experimenting with oaking in mead for a long time, and gave a very well received talk at MeadCon with Rocky Mountain Barrels on oak.

I  have had many of Adam’s meads and his oaking talents are excellent. Get your questions in to expand your oaking knowledge! Oaking provides so much depth and complexity to meads, offering not just tannins, but flavors like vanilla, leather, chocolate and much more, depending on the type, quality, quantity and length of oaking (as well as *when* you add the oak!).

Adam Crockett has been an integral part of the alcohol industry for 10 years, the past five of which he has been making award-winning and ground-breaking meads with his own Haymaker Meadery. Through innovation and creativity sometimes bordering on insanity, Adam hopes to continue innovating and redefining what mead can be. When he’s not jamming to music too loudly and making mead, he loves spending time with his wife and two daughters and relaxing with friends.

Come on in and have a listen!

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If you want to ask your mead making questions, you can call us at 803-443-MEAD (6323) or send us a question via email, or via Twitter @GotmeadNow and we’ll tackle it online! 9PM EDT/6PM PDT Join us on live chat during the show Bring your questions and your mead, and let’s talk mead! You can call us at 803-443-MEAD (6323), or Skype us at meadwench (please friend me first and say you’re a listener, I get tons of Skype spam), or tweet to @gotmeadnow.

Coming up:
  • Oct 6 – off
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Vicky Rowe
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